It’s that time of year when everyone is optimistically sharing their new resolutions, but did you ever think about how many people will actually succeed in those resolutions? I hate to be a Debbie downer, but let’s be real here – according to the internet, only 8% of those who define resolutions will actually achieve them. Wait, what?! Only 8%?

So, the question is, why do 92% of people fail? It would seem, the majority of people fall short because they don’t prepare for the change that a resolution brings like those who succeed. Think about it this way, a resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. It’s an action of solving a problem, dispute or contentious matter. Around this time of year, people set resolutions that will take 12 months or more to complete, all while forgetting to prepare small goals along the way that will help them stay motivated and win big over time.

You see, a resolution is a change in habit or lifestyle and that process doesn’t happen overnight – it’s long term and it takes preparation, persistence, and patience. So, what’s the difference between the 8.0% that obtain their resolutions and the 92.0% that don’t?

Those that achieve their resolutions create small goals that act as stepping stones toward their life changing resolution.

So, is it time for you to rethink the way you prepared for your resolution and define a few small goals to help you get there? If so, you’re not alone because we, as a company, had to do the same thing.

Check out how we got started and the small goals we set to help guide us to the end result we are determined to achieve.

Our 2019 Goals:

Goal 1: Renovate the Office Space

We had an outstanding 2018 and decided to upgrade our office space. We hope that with greater organization and more room to host clients, we will better serve all those who walk through our doors – including our employees.


Goal 2: Redo the Indoor Showroom

This project was started in 2018 and because of our busy summer we haven’t been able to complete it. Our vision is to create a showroom that allows our clients to experience what products are trending and to show them that the there is no limit to creativity or our capabilities. The final reveal is scheduled for May and it will not disappoint!


Goal 3: Update our Systems

This project is less exciting but extremely necessary. Keeping up with the times means finding ways to become more effective at what we do in the office so that we can be more efficient in the field. With a few upgrades to our phones, internet, and accounting process we will be more capable of assimilating information, making decisions, and ultimately serving our customers.

Goal 4: Get 500 Facebook Page Likes

This expectation was set as a way for us to communicate with those on social media and to make them aware of our brand. Nowadays, people do a lot of research on companies to check their credentials and examine their values. We felt this goal would stretch us to be more personable and talkative about who we are, what we believe, and everything in between.

With these goals in mind, we hope to accomplish our ultimate resolution which is, to enrich the lives of those who encounter our landscapes.

We hope you found encouragement and truth in this post because, you know what they say, all good things take time.  If you wish to do more reading on this topic, take a peek at the article we used to help write this post:

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2019 Goals and Resolutions